Recruiting Event at the New York State Fair

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I have 3 tickets available for the recruiting event at the New York State Fair for Wednesday, August 23rd. Uniform of the day is Blues and the van will leave Newburgh at 0700. Anyone interested, contact me @

I also have 2 tickets available for Wednesday August 30th with the same departure time. Please let me know ASAP.

1st Lt Mazanec

Free Show at Eisenhower Hall, West Point on Friday, Aug 18th

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This Friday, August 18th, the off-broadway play Black Angels Over Tuskegee will be presented at Eisenhower Hall Theater, West Point, in honor of Benjamin O. Davis and the new barracks being named after him. The play will begin at 8 pm, but plan to arrive early as nearby parking is limited. This is a great show for cadets interested in WWII history and the Tuskegee Airmen.

See this link for more information about the show:

Thanks to 2d Lt Oines for passing along this information!  

Operations Orders 15 August 2017

posted in: Regular meetings | 0

Location: Stewart ANGB, HQ Bldg 203
Date: 8/15/2017
Time: 1820-2100
UOD: Blues
CQ: Alpha Flight
1830-1840: Opening formation
1840-1930: Aerospace Education
1930-2020: Safety
2020-2040: Drill & Ceremonies
2040-2100: Closing formation

3. Service & Support
The Flight Sergeants will form the flights at 2050. CQ will report to C/CC after dismissal. CQ cannot leave until they are given permission from the C/CC. If you have any questions, address them to your Element Leader. Inform your Element Leader if you are unable to attend a meeting.

URGENT August ES Bivouac Update

posted in: Training | 0

This is an update on the upcoming ES bivouac taking place from the 11th-13th of this month. That’s this upcoming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Those who want to go MUST sign up using the online form (Found here: Sign-up form) by tomorrow night. Email Lt. Mazanec as well, to be prudent. He can be reached at

Those planning to ride with us in the group van must inform Lt. Mazanec via email as well.

Single day participants are allowed, but must supply their own transportation and are still required to pay the daily $15 dollar fee.

Operations Orders 8/8/2017

posted in: Regular meetings | 0
  1. Situation
    Location: Stewart ANGB, HQ Bldg 203
    Date: 8/8/2017
    Time: 1820-2100
    UOD: BDU
    CQ: Bravo Flight
  2. Missions and Execution
    1830-1840: Opening formation
    1840-2000: Emergency Services
    2000-2040: Leadership Class
    2040-2100: CQ / Closing formation
  3. Service & Support
    The Flight Sergeants will form the flights at 2050. CQ will report to C/CC after dismissal. CQ cannot leave until they are given permission from the C/CC. If you have any questions, address them to your Element Leader. Inform your Element Leader if you are unable to attend a meeting.

ES Bivouac on August 11 – 13

posted in: Training | 0

As a reminder, our squadron will be participating in this ES Bivouac on 11-13 August in Greenville, NY (just south of Albany). The bivouac will coincide with the NYW TRAEX. We will be training at all levels for Ground Teams (GTM3 – GTL), Mission Radio Operator, Mission Base Staff (GBD-OSC, MSO), Mission Staff Assistants, Financial Section Chief, and Logistics. They will have K-9(s) to train with and are working to get a helicopter ground school class.

The site has showers and bathroom facilities. There will be plenty of areas for tents to be set up. They have arranged for catered meals for dinner, and food will be provided for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The cost will be $15 a day and transportation will be available in the group van.

To participate you must have:

  1. Must be at least an Airman (Curry award), Level 1 for Senior members
  2. A GES endorsement on 101 Card
  3. Be safety current
  4. A valid CAP ID card (can be printed from eServices)
  5. Proper Field uniform (BDU/ABU)
  6. Equipment on packing list linked below – members are encouraged to contact one another to share tents

If you are interested in going, please register using the sign-up form below and complete the necessary forms.

Bivouac Sign Up Form

Packing List

CAPF 31 – Activity Permission Form

CAPF 161 – Emergency Information

CAPF 163 – OTC Medication Permission

Operations Orders 8/1/2017

posted in: Regular meetings | 0

Location: Stewart ANGB, HQ Bldg 203
Date: 8/1/2017
Time: 1820-2100
CQ: Bravo Flight

2. Missions and Execution
1830-1840: Opening formation
1840-1910: Encampment Debrief
1910-1950: Character Development
1950-2040: Drill & Ceremonies / Drill Tests
2040-2100: CQ / Closing formation

3. Service & Support
The Flight Sergeants will form the flights at 2050. CQ will report to C/CC after dismissal. CQ cannot leave until they are given permission from the C/CC. If you have any questions, address them to your Element Leader. Inform your Element Leader if you are unable to attend a meeting.

REMINDER for Rocket Launch & Education Outreach/Recruiting Opportunity

posted in: Special events | 0


This is a reminder that today is the 4-H Family Fun Day at their Education Center in Otisville. CAP will be performing a model rocket launch as a demonstration for the 4-H youth, and we’ll be assisting them in launching their own.

We’ve also been asked to assist with parking. You must be at least 16 to do this. Food will be provided to those who help with the rocket launch and parking.

Please note that a sign up form was put out with the last email. If you are coming to this event intending to participate in the rocket launch/assisting with parking, please fill out the following form.

Sign Up Form

Event:  Aerospace Education Outreach & Rocket Launch

When:  Saturday, 29 July, rocket launch from 6 – 7 pm, parking anytime between 10 am and 6 pm that you can help

Location:  4-H Education Center and Park, 300 Finchville Turnpike, Otisville, NY – see calendar for a map

UOD:  BDU/ABU only if helping with launch or parking, all others civilian clothes

Contact for the event:  C/CMSgt, (845) 857-4740

Operations Orders 25 July 2017

posted in: Regular meetings | 0

Location: Stewart ANGB, HQ Bldg 203
Date: 25 July 2017
Time: 1820-2100
CQ: Alpha Flight

2. Missions and Execution
1830-1840: Opening formation
1840-1920: Stretching/Run 
1920-2010: PT/Games
2010-2040: Safety
2040-2100: Closing formation

3. Service & Support
The Flight Sergeants will form the flights at 2050. CQ will report to C/CC after dismissal. CQ cannot leave until they are given permission from the C/CC. If you have any questions, address them to your Element Leader. Inform your Element Leader if you are unable to attend a meeting.

Rocket Launch & Education Outreach/Recruiting Opportunity

posted in: Special events | 0


The squadron will be doing another aerospace education outreach with 4-H on 29 July, during their Family Fun Day – see linked flyer below. This event is open to the public, and all are welcome to attend with their families. It’s a fun event and will also be a great recruiting opportunity. 

The rocket launch will run from 6 to 7 pm. We’ll be launching our rockets as part of a demonstration for 4-H youth, and we’ll help them launch smaller rockets they’ve previously built. One of the requirements to earn the CAP rocketry badge is to attend a launch, so it’s a good opportunity for those still working on this.

We’ve also had a request from 4-H to help with parking during the event – you must be 16 years or older to do this. Food will be provided to cadets who help with the rocket launch or parking.

Please use this sign up form only if you’re participating in the launch or can help with parking for part of the day:

Sign Up Form

Event:  Aerospace Education Outreach & Rocket Launch

When:  Saturday, 29 July, rocket launch from 6 – 7 pm, parking anytime between 10 am and 6 pm that you can help

Location:  4-H Education Center and Park, 300 Finchville Turnpike, Otisville, NY – see calendar for a map

UOD:  BDU/ABU only if helping with launch or parking, all others civilian clothes

Contact for the event:  C/CMSgt, (845) 857-4740

Family Fun Day Flyer