The Orange County Cadet Squadron
is pleased to welcome
Kirt Squires
Meteorologist, National Weather Service
Central Weather Service Unit (CWSU)
March 23, 2021
Kirt Squires is National Weather Service Meteorologist at the ZNY ARTCC Center Weather Service Unit in Ronkonkoma NY. He is the most senior forecaster in the office and has been working there for 14 years.
The Center Weather Service Unit is a weather forecast office embedded within an FAA Air Route Traffic Control Center. This is a branch of the National Weather Service contracted to the FAA.
Mr. Squires will present about the National Weather Service (NWS), NWS aviation forecasting products and services, and the role the NWS plays in the safety and economic enhancement of the national airspace.
Mr. Squires is a native New Yorker from Mastic NY, on the the east end of Long Island. He graduated from the University of Hawaii at Manoa with a Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in Meteorology.
His interest in weather began at age three when Hurricane Gloria caused his family to evaluate Long Island, and that memory led him to study meteorology. His married with three children and enjoys surfing and racing motorcycles and cars.
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