Orientation Flight opportunity

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Our group, Catskill Mountain Group, will be conducting O-Flights this Wednesday, 20 July 2016.

If you have at least your Curry award (C/Amn) and are interested, please email 2d Lt Flynn at flynntomj@gmail.com with your Name & Grade, Weight, CAPID and Syllabus # (1 if this is your first flight).


Sir, I would be interested in participating this Wednesday.

Name:  C/Amn John Smith
Weight:  150 lbs
CAPID:  123123
Syllabus #:  1

Location:  Orange County Airport, Montgomery, NY
Time:  9 am
Duration:  The O-Flight should take anywhere between 1 to 2 hours
UOD:  BDUs – no civilian clothes

Please reply asap – those who reply sooner, will be considered first for selection.  Additional information will be sent out to those responding.

2d Lt Tom Flynn


CyberPatriot Team results

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cyberpatriot image 3We are proud to announce that our Squadron’s CyberPatriot Team ranked in the Platinum Tier of the All Service Division and advanced to the Category Round in the CyberPatriot VIII Competition. Qualifying for the Platinum Tier placed them in the top 30% of teams nationwide. They advanced through the State Round in January to the Category Round in February, which was the final round before the National Competition. Congratulations for exceptional technical skill, problem solving and teamwork!

CyberPatriot is a national cyber defense and security competition hosted by the Air Force Association. It is designed to develop important cyber skills in our nation’s youth to protect our future digital infrastructure.

Hello Squadron!

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command_emblem__thumb_DD716847FC286Welcome to our new website! Here you’ll find information about meetings, special events, help for new cadets, and useful forms and publications. Please look this over and let us know what you think. We welcome suggestions on how to make this website a great resource for us all.

While you’re here, please take a moment to add your email on the blog page to receive the latest news from the Squadron.