Orientation Flight opportunity

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Our group, Catskill Mountain Group, will be conducting O-Flights this Wednesday, 20 July 2016.

If you have at least your Curry award (C/Amn) and are interested, please email 2d Lt Flynn at flynntomj@gmail.com with your Name & Grade, Weight, CAPID and Syllabus # (1 if this is your first flight).


Sir, I would be interested in participating this Wednesday.

Name:  C/Amn John Smith
Weight:  150 lbs
CAPID:  123123
Syllabus #:  1

Location:  Orange County Airport, Montgomery, NY
Time:  9 am
Duration:  The O-Flight should take anywhere between 1 to 2 hours
UOD:  BDUs – no civilian clothes

Please reply asap – those who reply sooner, will be considered first for selection.  Additional information will be sent out to those responding.

2d Lt Tom Flynn