Fundraising Opportunity with Vendors at Airshow

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We have a fundraising opportunity to work with vendors at the Air Show.  This offer is being extended to senior members and cadets, as well as family members of CAP personnel.  Volunteers will be assisting with the water/soda booths, and on-site training will be provided.

Youth must be at least 14 to participate.  All volunteers will receive free admission, parking in a designated area, and a voucher for two meals (morning and afternoon).  Most importantly however, you’ll be helping our squadron raise much needed funds!  If you’re able to help on Saturday, Sunday, or both days, please register as soon as possible.  If you’ve already signed up through the Wing website, please indicate that on the form and we’ll try to reassign you.

Questions can be directed to 2d Lt Deb Flynn at  Use the following form to sign up, and thank you for your support of the squadron!

Vendor Signup for Airshow