Squadron Leadership School

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Senior Members,

Catskill Mountain Group will hold a Squadron Leadership School [SLS] on Sat-Sun 21-22 Oct 2017 at Stewart International Airport [SWF].

SLS is a leadership and staff development course for company grade officers, and a requirement for completion of CAP Level II.  The course uses a combination of lecture, discussion, and exercises to teach a variety of topics useful in CAP and real life.  Anyone who has not taken the course is encouraged to enroll in this local offering.  Cost is $30, and includes all course materials plus lunch and refreshments both days.

For more information, or to enroll, visit:  cap-ny035.org/training/sls


URGENT August ES Bivouac Update

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This is an update on the upcoming ES bivouac taking place from the 11th-13th of this month. That’s this upcoming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Those who want to go MUST sign up using the online form (Found here: Sign-up form) by tomorrow night. Email Lt. Mazanec as well, to be prudent. He can be reached at mike.mazanec@ny030.org.

Those planning to ride with us in the group van must inform Lt. Mazanec via email as well.

Single day participants are allowed, but must supply their own transportation and are still required to pay the daily $15 dollar fee.

ES Bivouac on August 11 – 13

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As a reminder, our squadron will be participating in this ES Bivouac on 11-13 August in Greenville, NY (just south of Albany). The bivouac will coincide with the NYW TRAEX. We will be training at all levels for Ground Teams (GTM3 – GTL), Mission Radio Operator, Mission Base Staff (GBD-OSC, MSO), Mission Staff Assistants, Financial Section Chief, and Logistics. They will have K-9(s) to train with and are working to get a helicopter ground school class.

The site has showers and bathroom facilities. There will be plenty of areas for tents to be set up. They have arranged for catered meals for dinner, and food will be provided for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The cost will be $15 a day and transportation will be available in the group van.

To participate you must have:

  1. Must be at least an Airman (Curry award), Level 1 for Senior members
  2. A GES endorsement on 101 Card
  3. Be safety current
  4. A valid CAP ID card (can be printed from eServices)
  5. Proper Field uniform (BDU/ABU)
  6. Equipment on packing list linked below – members are encouraged to contact one another to share tents

If you are interested in going, please register using the sign-up form below and complete the necessary forms.

Bivouac Sign Up Form

Packing List

CAPF 31 – Activity Permission Form

CAPF 161 – Emergency Information

CAPF 163 – OTC Medication Permission

August 10-13 Training

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Mid Eastern Group is hosting an ES Bivouac on 10-13 August in Greenville, NY. This bivouac will coincide with NYW TRAEX. We will be training at all levels for Ground Teams (GTM3 – GTL), Mission Radio Operator, Mission Base Staff (GBD-OSC, MSO), Mission Staff Assistants, Financial Section Chief, and Logistics.

They will have K-9(s) to train with and are working to get a helicopter ground school class. The site has showers and bathroom facilities. It also has limited electric hookups for trailers or motor homes. There will be plenty of areas for tents to be set up. They have arranged for catered meals for dinner. Food will be provided for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The cost will be $15 a day.

To participate you must have:

  1. Must be at least an Airman (Curry award), Level 1 for Senior members
  2. A GES endorsement on 101 Card
  3. Be safety current
  4. A valid CAP ID card (can be printed from eServices)
  5. Proper Field uniform (BDU/ABU)

If you are interested in going to the August 10-13 Training, please register using the link below.


Rockland ES Exercise 3 June

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Hello All,

Rockland County Cadet Squadron has invited us to participate in an emergency services exercise at Harriman State Park on June 3. This will be a full day of training, and we will be covering tasks from GTM3, MRO and there will be an opportunity to test for ICUT. To participate you must have:

  1. Must be at least an Airman (Curry award), Level 1 for Senior members
  2. A GES endorsement on 101 Card
  3. Be safety current
  4. A valid CAP ID card (can be printed from eServices)
  5. Proper Field uniform (BDU/ABU)

If you would like to participate, please sign up at the meeting or email me at sean.flynn@ny030.org.


C/1st Lt Sean T. Flynn

Updated TRAEX Information – time sensitive

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The TRAEX location has been changed to Binghamton, NY.  Participants will be doing either ground team (GTM3) or communications training (MRO) as part of a joint training exercise with the NY State Forest Rangers. This will be a full day of training.
The departure is now Friday evening at 1900 from Stewart ANG Base. We’ll be staying at Squadron 292 in Binghamton – sleeping bags and a mat will be needed, as we’ll be sleeping on the floor, and $5 for breakfast Saturday morning.
Saturday arrival is optional, but no CAP transportation will be available.
The following are required to participate in this training exercise:
  1. Must be at least an Airman (Curry award), Level 1 for Senior members
  2. A GES endorsement on 101 Card
  3. Be safety current
  4. A valid CAP ID card (can be printed from eServices)
  5. Proper Field uniform (BDU/ABU)

Please respond by 2100 on 5 May if you’d like to participate, even if you already have done so, by emailing 2d Lt Mazanec at Mike_Mazanec@hotmail.com, with a cc to 2d Lt Gessman at gessmanj@gmail.com and 1st Lt Kuliszewski at ezrakuliszewski@hotmail.com. Transportation in the CAP van will be on a first to respond basis. 


TRAEX on 13 May 2017

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A NY Wing Training Exercise (TRAEX) will be held on Saturday, 13 May, at Orange County Airport. You must let the squadron know by the meeting this Tuesday, May 2nd, if you’d like to participate.     

To participate in a training exercise, cadets must meet 3 requirements:

  1. Must be an Airman (Curry award) or above
  2. Have a GES endorsement on 101 Card
  3. Be safety current 

For instructions on getting a GES endorsement, see the 101 Card page under Cadets/Training on our website.

You’re safety current if, within the past 30 days, you’ve attended a meeting when a safety class is taught or completed any online safety module in eServices. These modules are found in eServices under Online Learning/Learning Management System – look for Safety: Other Courses. 

This TRAEX will be a good opportunity to get some hands-on training and all eligible cadets are encouraged to attend. If you have any questions, please ask at the meeting or contact your Flight Sergeant.


New Page on Website

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Hello Cadets,

A new page was added to the website today called Drill & Ceremony (in the Cadets menu, under Training).

SM Cruz has put together some videos that will help when practicing drill, and the page will be very useful to cadets who are interested in the Honor Guard team.

Indian Point Drill signup

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Cadets interested in attending the FEMA Indian Point Drill next Tuesday, June 28th, need to register individually at the following site:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Exercise2016
UOD will be Blues if you have them, if not BDUs are acceptable.  The drill will begin at 8 am at the Emergency Services Center at 22 Wells Farm Rd, Goshen, NY and run to about 4 pm.

This is an excellent opportunity to practice emergency service skills and Incident Command Protocols.  To participate in a training exercise, cadets must meet 3 requirements:

  1. Must be an Airman (Curry) or above
  2. Have a GES endorsement on their 101 card
  3. Be safety current

Please contact the Commander, Gil Piaquadio Jr, if you have any further questions (squadron contact info can be found on the website under the Cadets tab, Useful Info).