C-17 Globemaster Tour

posted in: Special events | 0

Hello squadron,

We have a C-17 Globemaster tour scheduled for Monday, June 13th. Please be at our regular meeting place (Bldg 203) by 17:40. We’ll walk as a group to the flight line, so allow time to pass through security and park. The tour should last about an hour. Family members are welcome, and feel free to invite your friends.

We need to submit the following information to base security for all personnel attending:

1. Full Name
2. Date of Birth, or Driver’s License # and State of issue (required for 18 and older)
3. Number of vehicles that will be coming on post

Please email the info requested to 2nd Lt Flynn at flynntomj@gmail.com by Tuesday, or bring it to Tuesday’s drill. Also let him know if you’ll be bringing a car on base or carpooling with someone else.

On the day of the tour, anyone 16 and over will need to have a government issued ID to get on the base. Cadets please wear your BDUs. Any questions can be emailed to 2nd Lt Flynn at flynntomj@gmail.com.

Thanks and hope to see a lot of you at the tour!

C/CMSgt Sean T. Flynn
Deputy Cadet Commander


Staff Sgt. John Eller conducts pre-flights check on his C-17 Globemaster III Jan. 3 prior to taking off from Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii for a local area training mission. Sgt. Eller is a loadmaster from the 535th Airlift Squadron. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Shane A. Cuomo)