C-17 Globemaster Orientation Flight

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We’ve been invited by the 105th Airlift Wing to take an Orientation Flight on a C-17 Globemaster on August 29th.  Report time will be 0800, and the flight will end sometime from noon to 1400.  You must be a current member and be on the base access list if driving on base. Deadline for signing up and submitting forms is Wednesday, August 22nd, by the end of the day.  This is an exciting opportunity, and I hope most of you will be able to make it!

Details and a sign up form are below:

What:  C-17 Orientation Flight
When:  Wednesday, 29 August, 0800 report time, ending time approximately noon to 1400
Location:  Meet up is at Building 202 in the Wing Auditorium
Uniform:  ABU/BDU/Flight/Corporate or sensible civilian clothing if you don’t have a uniform yet (no tank tops, shorts, open toed shoes, etc)

The following pre-filled forms need to be completed by Wednesday, August 22nd, by the end of the day:

Sign-up Form – online form
SF 600 Health Questionnaire – everyone completes, scan and email to me
CAPF 60-80 Permission Form for Cadets – all cadets (even those over 18) – scan and email to me
Base Access List for drivers only – online form

If you have any questions, please email me at flynntomj@gmail.com.



Sullivan County CAP Meeting

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I would like to take between 6-8 of our cadets to Sullivan County’s CAP meeting on Saturday, 4 November, to help our fellow cadets learn about the program.  We’ll be showing them drill and ceremony, correct uniform wear, and leadership. Cadets that would like to attend need to be at least a C/A1C.  

Please complete the form below if you’re interested in going.

When:  Saturday, 4 November
Where:  Meet at Orange County Airport at 3:45 pm
Uniform: BDU/ACU
Transportation: CAP van
Pick up time: 7:45 pm at Orange County Airport

We’ll talk about it at the meeting tomorrow, but email me at tom.flynn@ny030.org if you’re not attending and have questions.

Thank You,

2d Lt Tom Flynn


Orientation Flight opportunity

posted in: General info | 0


Our group, Catskill Mountain Group, will be conducting O-Flights this Wednesday, 20 July 2016.

If you have at least your Curry award (C/Amn) and are interested, please email 2d Lt Flynn at flynntomj@gmail.com with your Name & Grade, Weight, CAPID and Syllabus # (1 if this is your first flight).


Sir, I would be interested in participating this Wednesday.

Name:  C/Amn John Smith
Weight:  150 lbs
CAPID:  123123
Syllabus #:  1

Location:  Orange County Airport, Montgomery, NY
Time:  9 am
Duration:  The O-Flight should take anywhere between 1 to 2 hours
UOD:  BDUs – no civilian clothes

Please reply asap – those who reply sooner, will be considered first for selection.  Additional information will be sent out to those responding.

2d Lt Tom Flynn