CAP sUAS O-Flights

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The squadron will be hosting a sUAS (small unmanned aerial systems) training activity on Saturday, November 23rd at Algonquin Park in Newburgh. We will be starting at 11:00 am and will run until about 2:30 pm. Uniform will be ABU. In event of rain or snow, we’ll have to reschedule. 

Sign up here:

Please send me an email if you have any questions.


C/Lt Col Sean T. Flynn, CAP


UAS Training

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The squadron will be holding a UAS flight clinic. This will be a one or two-day event to introduce cadets to UAS flying. In the future, this will lead to UAS mission training and eventual certification as UAS Pilots and Technicians. Please respond to the survey below so we can find the best date to start this activity.

UAS Survey Form

Cadets:  To be a part of this program as a cadet, you must be a member of the AMA (Association of Model Aeronautics). We’re forming a squadron AMA club where cadets can join for free. 

Senior members:  Please email me if you’re interested in participating.


C/Lt Col Sean T. Flynn

Cadet Feedback

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Below is a link to a form to submit anonymous feedback on how the squadron is doing and/or for suggestions on how we can improve. Please be constructive and respectful in your comments!

We will have a session this Tuesday for cadets to discuss suggestions, concerns, or questions with the senior cadet staff as well. Please take the time to let your voice be heard, either online, at the meeting, or both!


C/Maj Sean Flynn

CAP UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) Program

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Our squadron will be starting a CAP UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) program early next year. Our goal is to train cadets and senior members to use drones in Emergency Services missions and to help members get their Part 107 UAS license.

Cadets:  To be a part of this program as a cadet, you must be a member of the AMA (Association of Model Aeronautics). We’re forming a squadron AMA club where cadets can join for free. If you’re interested in this program, please use the form below to provide information for your AMA membership.  

AMA Membership Form  

Senior members:  Please email me if you’re interested in participating.

I hope many of you will take advantage of this opportunity. Feel free to contact me at with any questions.


C/Maj Sean Flynn


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Time is almost up to register for the squadron’s Air Force Association CyberPatriot team this year. Training will be through online and in-person meetings. Basic computer skills (how to navigate file systems, familiarity with Windows operating system) and a computer running Windows are all that’s required. Competitions will be held at Newburgh Free Acadmeny once a month from Nov through Feb 2019.

Please use the link below to register by Oct 7th if you would like to participate. Feel free to contact me at with any questions.


C/Maj Sean Flynn

What is CyberPatriot?

At the center of CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition. The competition puts teams of high school and middle school students in the position of newly hired IT professionals tasked with managing the network of a small company. In the rounds of competition, teams are given a set of virtual images that represent operating systems and are tasked with finding cybersecurity vulnerabilities within the images and hardening the system while maintaining critical services in a six hour period. Teams compete for the top placement within their state and region, and the top teams in the nation earn all-expenses paid trips to Baltimore, MD for the National Finals Competition where they can earn national recognition and scholarship money. – CyberPatriot Website

West Point Hockey Game

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The Catskill Mountain Group Cadet Advisory Council is organizing a trip to the Army Vs. Air Force Hockey Game at West Point on Nov 3rd. The deadline to sign up is Sunday, September 30th. Family and friends are welcome as well, and payment will be due by the meeting on Oct 9th.  Details are as follows:

Event:  Army vs. Air Force Hockey Game

Date:  November 3rd, arrival at 1900, game starts at 2000

Cost:  $9 to $12, depending on number of sign ups

Location:  Tate Rink, West Point

Sign Up Form

If you have any questions, please contact me at


C/Maj Sean Flynn

CyberPatriot Training Workshop

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We will be hosting a basic CyberPatriot training workshop this Sunday, August 5th. In this course, we’ll be covering system security and an intro to networking. Anyone is welcome to participate in this course, but if you’re considering trying out for the Squadron CyberPatriot Team, please plan to attend if possible. Sign up using this link:


Activity:  CyberPatriot Training

When:  Sunday, Aug 5th from 1000 to 1700

Location:  Signature Flight Support, 1188 1st Street, New Windsor (very near the terminal at Stewart International Airport)

UOD:  Civilian

Lunch:  Bring a bagged lunch or bring a couple dollars towards pizza

Please contact me if you have any questions at

Thanks and hope to see many of you there!

C/Maj Flynn

Drone/Rocketry Activity 7/28/18

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Our squadron will be finishing up the Drone STEM Kit on Saturday, Jul 28th.  Cadets attending will be guided in flying the squadron’s quadcopter.  We’ll also be doing a rocket launch demonstration.  If you’ve earned the rocketry badge, you’re welcome to assist with this, or just come and watch!  We’re meeting at the 4-H Education Center in Otisville on Family Fun Day, which you are welcome to attend.  Here’s a quick summary from the website:

“Join us for our 2018 Family Fun Day! Old-time Country fair Fun! Free Admission. There will be a petting zoo, pony rides, kids games, Duck Derby, Interactive Antique Farm Equipment, pie judging contest, and so much more.  See the flyer for more info.”


Event:  Drone Flying and Rocket Launch Demo

When:  Saturday, 28 July, drone activity from noon to 2 pm, rocket launch at 4 pm

Location:  4-H Education Center and Park, 300 Finchville Turnpike, Otisville, NY


Contact for the event:  C/Maj Flynn,, (845) 220-6559


2018 Encampment information and deadline June 9th

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The deadline to register for encampment is coming up soon on June 9th. If you’re planning on attending and don’t have Part 2 of your application signed by Capt Granda yet, please make sure to bring it tomorrow or to next week’s meeting. Any cadets who’d like to attend and haven’t earned their Curry Award yet (first promotion) need to let senior staff know asap so they can work with you to promote. We have quite a few cadets attending this year, so if anyone’s still considering it, I hope you will attend. Here are a few things to consider:

  • encampment is needed to attend any National Cadet Special Activity (NCSA)
  • you’ll need encampment to promote beyond Chief Master Sergeant, which some of you are approaching
  • you’ll learn a lot about CAP at encampment, and it will be a great experience you’ll always remember!

Check out the encampment page on our website, or feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at Financial aid is available again this year at the following link: National CAP. I’ll be doing a short presentation on encampment at tomorrow’s meeting, so plan on attending if you have any questions. If you’ve never been to encampment, I strongly urge you to join us this summer!


C/Maj Sean Flynn
Encampment Executive Officer