Hi Cadets,
Congratulations to many of you on your recent achievement of the Curry Award! You’re now eligible for encampment, and I hope you all will go. Go to the encampment page on our website (http://ny030.org/2016-ny-wing-encampment/) for more information and instructions on how to apply. I’ve also summarized it below – depending on when you joined, you’ll do the following:
If you joined CAP before 8 Jan 2016, you’ll need to create an account at http://encampment.nywgcadets.org and submit an online application. You’ll then print part two of the application, fill it out and bring it to a meeting to have it signed by the Commander.
Cadets who’ve joined since 8 Jan 2016 won’t be able to apply online. Email the Encampment Registrar, Maj Marylou Falco, at mlf0048@aol.com for instructions on how to apply.
All applications need to be postmarked by the 18th of June, so apply right away. Please let us know if you have any questions. Contact emails can be found on the website under the Cadets tab.