Updated TRAEX Information – time sensitive

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The TRAEX location has been changed to Binghamton, NY.  Participants will be doing either ground team (GTM3) or communications training (MRO) as part of a joint training exercise with the NY State Forest Rangers. This will be a full day of training.
The departure is now Friday evening at 1900 from Stewart ANG Base. We’ll be staying at Squadron 292 in Binghamton – sleeping bags and a mat will be needed, as we’ll be sleeping on the floor, and $5 for breakfast Saturday morning.
Saturday arrival is optional, but no CAP transportation will be available.
The following are required to participate in this training exercise:
  1. Must be at least an Airman (Curry award), Level 1 for Senior members
  2. A GES endorsement on 101 Card
  3. Be safety current
  4. A valid CAP ID card (can be printed from eServices)
  5. Proper Field uniform (BDU/ABU)

Please respond by 2100 on 5 May if you’d like to participate, even if you already have done so, by emailing 2d Lt Mazanec at Mike_Mazanec@hotmail.com, with a cc to 2d Lt Gessman at gessmanj@gmail.com and 1st Lt Kuliszewski at ezrakuliszewski@hotmail.com. Transportation in the CAP van will be on a first to respond basis.