A NY Wing Training Exercise (TRAEX) will be held on Saturday, 13 May, at Orange County Airport. You must let the squadron know by the meeting this Tuesday, May 2nd, if you’d like to participate.
To participate in a training exercise, cadets must meet 3 requirements:
- Must be an Airman (Curry award) or above
- Have a GES endorsement on 101 Card
- Be safety current
For instructions on getting a GES endorsement, see the 101 Card page under Cadets/Training on our website.
You’re safety current if, within the past 30 days, you’ve attended a meeting when a safety class is taught or completed any online safety module in eServices. These modules are found in eServices under Online Learning/Learning Management System – look for Safety: Other Courses.
This TRAEX will be a good opportunity to get some hands-on training and all eligible cadets are encouraged to attend. If you have any questions, please ask at the meeting or contact your Flight Sergeant.