The open house will be in about two weeks. We will be creating flyers, but until then, spread the word!
Date: October 15th, 2019
Time: 6:30-9:00 PM
Place: US Army 2nd Aviation Detachment Stewart International Airport, 1005 1st Street, New Windsor, NY
(At the corner between Atlantic Aviation & the New York State Police Aviation)
Cadets who recruit two new cadets can receive the blue recruitment ribbon to wear on their dress blues. The uniform for the event will be Blues, class A and B. Continue to build upon what you would like to have or show for your display. The open house will also be the squadron’s award ceremony. Please notify your flight staff if you will not be able to attend. Questions or concerns may be directed to miguel.connell@ny030.org.
C/1st Lt Connell
Cadet Commander, NY-030