Indian Point Drill signup

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Cadets interested in attending the FEMA Indian Point Drill next Tuesday, June 28th, need to register individually at the following site:
UOD will be Blues if you have them, if not BDUs are acceptable.  The drill will begin at 8 am at the Emergency Services Center at 22 Wells Farm Rd, Goshen, NY and run to about 4 pm.

This is an excellent opportunity to practice emergency service skills and Incident Command Protocols.  To participate in a training exercise, cadets must meet 3 requirements:

  1. Must be an Airman (Curry) or above
  2. Have a GES endorsement on their 101 card
  3. Be safety current

Please contact the Commander, Gil Piaquadio Jr, if you have any further questions (squadron contact info can be found on the website under the Cadets tab, Useful Info).