The Cadet Oath
"I pledge that I will serve faithfully in the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program, and that I will attend meetings regularly, participate actively in unit activities, obey my officers, wear my uniform properly, and advance my education and training rapidly to prepare myself to be of service to my community, state, and nation."
Historic Dates
- 17 December, 1903 – First powered, heavier-than-air flight by Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
- 1 September, 1939 – World War II starts with the German invasion of Poland
- 1 December, 1941 – CAP was founded
- 7 December, 1941 – Pearl Harbor was bombed by Japan
- 8 December, 1941 – United States enters WWII
- 1942 – Cadets entered the program
- 29 April 1943 – considered the “Red Letter” day for CAP when it was transferred from The Office of Civil Defense to the War Department
- 8 May, 1945 – World War II ended in Europe (VE Day)
- 15 August, 1945 – World War II ended in Asia (VJ Day)
- 1 July, 1946 – Public Law 476 enabled CAP to become a non-profit, benevolent organization
- 26 May, 1948 – Public Law 557 enabled CAP to become the official Auxiliary of the US Air Force
- 1964 – The modern Cadet Program begins
- August, 2015 - CAP was added to Air Force Total Force
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Phonetic alphabet
A – Alpha
B – Bravo
C – Charlie
D – Delta
E – Echo
F – Foxtrot
G – Golf
H – Hotel
I – India
J – Juliet
K – Kilo
L – Lima
M – Mike
N – November
O – Oscar
P – Papa
Q – Quebec
R – Romeo
S – Sierra
T – Tango
U – Uniform
V – Victor
W – Whiskey
X – X-Ray
Y – Yankee
Z – Zulu

CAP WWII History
- CAP members flew more than 24 million miles on coastal patrol
- CAP summoned help for more than 91 ships in distress
- CAP summoned help for 363 survivors of U-boat attacks
- CAP spotted 173 U-boats
- CAP dropped bombs or depth charges on 57 U-boats
- CAP was given credit for sinking 2 U-boats and a whale