Community Day Cancellation

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To All Cadets, Parents and Staff,


On behalf of the NY-030 Squadron Commander and myself I want to apologize for the miscommunication that occurred with the Community Day event today.  We take full responsibility, and I want to assure everyone that this WILL NOT happen again and my staff and I are in the process of creating a Communication Officer position so that we can get information out to the Cadets as well as the parents in a timely manner and an Activities Officer position who’s sole purpose will be to organize all events in the future.  I want to assure everyone that this is not how we conduct business here at Squadron NY-030 and that in the future we will make sure that we get information out to all in a timely and professional manner.  If you have any further questions or concerns you may contact me at 718-678-5221.  Thank you for your understanding, and your continued support to our Squadron.


Very Respectfully,

Christian Granda, Capt, CAP

NY-030 Deputy Squadron Commander