NY Air National Guard Career Fair

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Cadets and parents are invited to a Career Fair at the 105th Airlift Wing at Stewart Air National Guard Base on May 1st.  As space is limited, this is intended for cadets 16 and up. This is not a CAP event, so uniform wear is not authorized. 

Register by this Friday, April 16th, by emailing date of birth, driver’s license number, and state, or a clear picture of driver’s licenses for all attendees.  You can also call with this information.

Register early to reserve your spot!   


Meeting cancelled tonight

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This evening’s meeting is cancelled due to the road conditions. Cadet leadership, please carry out notifications and report back up chain of command when completed.

Stay safe! 

Oct 15th Open House

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As a reminder, our squadron will be having an Open House next Tuesday in lieu of our regular meeting.  We’ll be meeting at the US Army 2nd Aviation Detachment at Stewart International Airport (see below for directions).  Please invite your friends and family – all are welcome!  

Attached is a flyer – email, post on social media, or print and hand out to help get the word out!  Please use the signup form below so we know how many to expect and what food or beverage everyone is bringing (instructions previously posted on this).    

Open House Sign-up

CAP Open House Flyer

Address: US Army 2nd Aviation Detachment Stewart International Airport, 1005 1st Street, New Windsor, NY    

From the International Boulevard entrance:

1. Make a right on Bruenig Road
2. Make a left on Y St and take to the end
3. Make a right on 1st Street

4. Take until you reach the black metal fence/gate at the corner of the airport. A sign should say 2nd Aviation Detachment West Point.    

From Bruenig Road entrance:

1. Make a right on 1st Street
2. Take the road until it turns to the right
3. On your right, there will be a black fence/gate where it says 2nd Aviation Detachment West Point.

NRA/Winchester Shooting Program – Weekend Date 28 Sept

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If you have not been able to attend the NRA course yet, we’ve scheduled an additional date this Saturday, 28 Sept, starting at 9 am.  See below for instructions and signup.  As a reminder, an adult family member (parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, etc) must accompany you.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at flynntomj@gmail.com or call 845-762-2119.


2d Lt Tom Flynn

NRA course details & instructions

CAPF 60-80

Signup Form


Fundraising Opportunity with Vendors at Airshow

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We have a fundraising opportunity to work with vendors at the Air Show.  This offer is being extended to senior members and cadets, as well as family members of CAP personnel.  Volunteers will be assisting with the water/soda booths, and on-site training will be provided.

Youth must be at least 14 to participate.  All volunteers will receive free admission, parking in a designated area, and a voucher for two meals (morning and afternoon).  Most importantly however, you’ll be helping our squadron raise much needed funds!  If you’re able to help on Saturday, Sunday, or both days, please register as soon as possible.  If you’ve already signed up through the Wing website, please indicate that on the form and we’ll try to reassign you.

Questions can be directed to 2d Lt Deb Flynn at deb.flynn@ny030.org.  Use the following form to sign up, and thank you for your support of the squadron!

Vendor Signup for Airshow

ES Demo and CAP Display at 4-H Fair and Family Festival

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The squadron will be doing an ES activity (an ELT hunt) and manning a CAP table during the 4-H Fair and Family Festival on 27 July 2019.  This event is open to the public, and families are welcome to attend.  It’s a fun event and will also be a great recruiting opportunity. 

The CAP table will be manned from 9 am to 5 pm and the ES activity will run as we have interested youth.  Volunteers can stay for the day or sign up for the morning or afternoon.  Lunch will be provided.

Please use this sign up form to participate:

Sign Up Form

Event:  CAP Table & ES Demo

When:  Saturday, 27 July, from 9 – 5 pm

Location:  4-H Education Center and Park, 300 Finchville Turnpike, Otisville, NY


Contact for the event:  2d Lt Deborah Flynn, deb.flynn@ny030.org


Last Call – West Point Trip and Indoor Obstacle Course on June 8th

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The signup is closing soon for the West Point Tour and Indoor Obstacle Course on June 8th.  There’s been some questions on physical requirements for the obstacle course – this is just a fun event and cadets are welcome to do as much as they want.  Please see the post from May 5th for more information and to sign up.

West Point Trip and Indoor Obstacle Course

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The Sullivan County squadron is organizing a trip to West Point on June 8th.  The trip is still being planned, but will include a stop at the visitors center and a tour of the physical education facilities.
One stop on the trip will be at the Indoor Obstacle Course Test.  All West Point Cadets must pass this test before they can graduate. 
Times are still being ironed out, but expect to meet at West Point about 9am and leave the post early afternoon.  There is a limit of 25 cadets, and names will be taken first come first serve. Parents and siblings are welcome to come, but only CAP cadets will be allowed to participate in the IOCT.
Attached is a video that shows the details of the IOCT.  We will be guided on the IOCT (and the rest of the tour) by Colonel Kevin Bigelman, the Deputy Directer of the West Point Physical Education Department.  If you’re interested, use the signup form below:

Military Ball 11 May 2019

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Our squadron has been invited to participate in Newburgh Free Academy’s JROTC Military Ball.  The details are as follows:

Date:  Saturday, 11 May 2019
Time:  1900 – 2300
Location:  The Meadowbrook in New Windsor
Cost:  $20 per person, includes buffet dinner
Dress:  Dress blues (with jacket) or suits for males, conservative gowns for females
RSVP Date:  7 May 2019

This is a high school event and is for cadets and their guests currently in 9th grade or above. Sign ups are being taken on the following form:

Military Ball Signup Form